Saturday 26 December 2020

Samba Pike WR history

The original Samba Pike was a great plane but we thought lower drag, thinner tips could get more out of it for F3F. 

Samba built the most amazing set of foam tip panels to test the theory.

At that point it didn’t have a name, but during an F3F event in Wales I broke the world record with it and hence the Pike WR was born!

The original prototype is on its way back to Samba for safe keeping and hopefully display.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Welsh Open 2020

Well we did it!

For the 26th year on the trot the gods have smiled upon us and we got the race in.

We had to restrict the field due to local restrictions, and wider travel restrictions made attendance difficult too.

Ironically we had some great weather and fast times, so with the reduced headcount we flew 23 rounds! It was a great event, and good fun, and safe, but my over-riding memory will be the absent friends and competitors who would have made it an even richer competition.

As it turned out Peter Gunning was brilliant and kicked all our asses, he was untouchable! 

You can see my snaps here photos.


Saturday 22 February 2020

Welsh Open 2020 entry details

The 2020 Welsh Open F3F will be held on 11, 12 & 13 September

Entry will open at 12:00 on Saturday, 14 March and close at 12:00 on 9 August. The entry page will appear here at 12:00 on 14 March.

Entry is limited to 55 pilots. We will hold a reserve list if we have more than 55 pilots.
We need to cover the expenses of land usage, trophies and so on; the entry fee is €45.  Due to the uncertainty created by Covid 19 we are not setting a deadline for payment just yet.

Full details are here.