Tuesday 13 September 2016

Welsh Open 2016

We've run a Welsh Open for the last 20 years or so.  Each one tends to have its own epic tail, usually involving weather, personal bests and people charging up and down the leaderboard - this one was no different.

This year it was a bit of a challenge to run as Andrzej couldn't arrive until Day 3 and I was feeling a bit jaded as the WO was the only completion I've entered this year and I was hoping to enjoy it rather than simply organise it. Up stepped Mark Treble, Joel, Andy, Stefan B, Graeme, Jon and Martin to help in such a spirited way it was actually fun to run - thanks chaps.  It's worth mentioning that Mark's timing software means that CDing the middle of the course is transformed into a pleasure rather than a chore.

Thursday - pre-competition - Southerdown
When I lived in Wales it made everything to do with the Welsh Open a lot easier but inevitably I ended up working right to the wire before and immediately afterwards, and I stayed in my own bed just 45 mins away. Now, living 400 miles away brings other challenges but it does mean I get to make a real occasion of it, come down for a practice, and spend more time with friends, which is a good enough reason to do the event in its own right. 
I'd only flown once since the Welsh Open last year so it was great to spend Thursday at Southerndown with Stefan, Tony and Jose learning how to fly again.

Friday - South West on Mickey's Slope - bloody windy
We managed three rounds of high energy flying and one or two significant soakings! Simon was peerless with his Shinto in the challenging conditions - he'd hurt his back and I'm sure the pain brought out extra aggression and focus! Greg Dakin was a solid second followed by Mark Abbotts in third, Alvaro Silgado in fourth and Inaki in fifth. Just behind that was Martin in sixth and me in seventh, followed closely by Joel, Stefan and Peter making the team event a close three-way thing.

Day 2 - West, on far end of Mickey's Slope - building from light to moderate
We flew five rounds in building conditions on what is probably the most user friendly slope at the Bwlch. Simon held the lead, Greg moved a bit closer, Alvaro moved into third, I climbed to fourth, with Martin sneaking into fifth.  
It was a long day and it was noticeable that there were quite a few mistakes as tired pilots tried desperately to make up ground in the final round.

Day 3 - South on El Bastardo (formerly known as the back of the Wrecker) - building from light to moderate
This has always been a fickle slope and my despise of it is well known around those parts!  It certainly works, it just seems to have it's favourites and I've never been invited to that party!  And thus it followed that the slope did shine upon our Spanish friends who selfishly flew tremendously well to turn the leader board on its head!  Thanks to the wisdom and creativity of Mark Abbots the slope shall henceforth be known as El Bastardo (if you need to use Google translate you probably shouldn't be allowed on the internet alone).  
Alvaro flew superbly to take the win, Inaki was his usual crowd pleasing self and took second with Greg Dakin securing third. I managed to hold fourth, Joel made up huge ground into fifth with poor Simon suffering the curse of El Bastardo and dropping from first to sixth.

Team GBU did just enough to win the team event... again! :)

Top three teams were:
1 GBU - Kevin, Simon, Martin
2 TWC - Alvaro, Inaki, Jose
3 Mickey's Massive - Joel, Peter, Stefan B

Individual results
1 Alvaro Silgado 1000.0
2 Inaki Elizondo 994.8
3 Greg Dakin 989.24
4 Kev Newton 987.62
5 Joel West 986.05
6 Simon Thornton 980.57
7 Martin Newnham 973.67
8 Peter Gunning 964.08
9 Mark Treble 954.27
10 Rich Baygo 952.2
11 Frank Holtz 951.23
12 Stefan Bertschi 950.69
13 Graeme Mahoney 949.92
14 Mark Abotts 949.9
15 Stefan Fraundorfer 946.74
16 Martin Drewett 941.06
17 Jose Ramon Azcona 939.01
18 John Philips 931.3
19 Jose luis Alvarez 930.65
20 Jack Cubitt 926.37
21 Tony Livingstone 918.4
22 Dave Rumble 913.86
23 Kurt Planitzer 913.47
24 Mike Evans 905.22
25 Stefan Bernardy 902.98
26 Daniel Schneider 898.84
27 Arne Finkeldey 896.29
28 Josef Wiklicky 895.59
29 Mike McCracken 891.29
30 Andy Burgoyne 890.13
31 George Young 888.19
32 Ronnie Lampe 885.23
33 Christian Schnepfleitner 878.98
34 Paul Stubley 875.73
35 Keith Wood 874.06
36 Arjen Van vark 870.05
37 Eric Heine 869.09
38 Mike Shellim 866.25
39 Jon Edison 865.41
40 Ewan Maxwell 864.63
41 John Treble 862.18
42 Rick Ruijsink 861.18
43 Les Wood 839.37
44 Manfred Knuppel 837.98
45 Jason Bioletti 819.98
46 Alfred Salmhofer 813.59
47 Allen Elliott 797.6
48 Tony Robertson 435.27
49 Lazaro martinez Neito 0.0

Fastest time: 30.31 by Greg Dakin in round 3.

Many thanks to our sponsors MKS/T9 HobbySport

More at GBSRA 

Welsh Open 2016

Also see Mike Shellim's photos

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Welsh Open 2016

If you've entered but not paid can you please do so ASAP. We have a reserve list of people who'd love to pay up and take your place. If you can no longer make it please let me know ASAP.

Friday 10 June 2016

La Muela - May 2016

What a great time, the colours were even more vibrant than ever.
La Muela 2016

Saturday 4 June 2016

Multiplex Heron

I love my Easy glider to bits (literally) but it's really was getting a bit shabby. I wanted something a bit bigger for La Muela, where things often get very low or very high, but also elapor to take a few knocks. The crow brakes were a bonus.
What you get is a very pretty, very well designed model that is a remarkably sophisticated plane to fly. It's both easy to fly and also delivers a bit more if you put a bit more in, like beautifully coordinated thermal turns. The surprise was that it's also tough enough for some pretty exuberant aerobatics.
I couldn't be happier with it, what an amazing time we live in.
I got mine for less than £250 from Model Maniacs, who were a joy to deal with.

Heron 2016 from Kevin Newton on Vimeo.

DSing at La Muela

Using the Vector DS for what nature in ended...

DS La Muela 2016 from Kevin Newton on Vimeo.

Sunday 21 February 2016

2016 Welsh Open F3F entry opens 10:00 Saturday, 5 March

More detail are here.